Am I going deaf? The voices of the people on screen are rather low. The lines can make a good entry for my nightly lullabies. I wish Edward was a more happy, lively, and
"Aaaaah!! Need to stretch face muscles from all that frowning!!"

"I only grew my eyebrows to give a more smoky sexy look for my brooding vampire face!"

But I guess that's the perks of being a vampire. You don't have to exert much effort, face wise. You'll never have a bad photo. You just pose seductively with sexy sounding lines. Boring!
Good thing there was "a hunk of beef" (as what my friend Chip would like to put it) in the picture.
*will be updated in a few days, maybe. only pic available in google for now.*

Jacob Black a.k.a Taylor Lautner is just to go gooey gooey over. *Sigh!* Back off haters! Compared to this pastey hairy soft abed vamp, wolf boy is a total winner.

My excitement for the movie was amplified because of Dakota Fanning!! She's a very expensive actress. The fewer lines, the cheaper? Hay...shucks!

Moving on..
So basically here is the very summarized form of the movie.

Edward: "I leave you because I love you." Bella: *hurt feelings*

Bella: *seems to always hit her head on a boulder.*

Bella: *since Edward's off somewhere, i might get a shot with Jacob.*

Bella: *But Edward is my life. kiss kiss..whoa awkward.*

Edward: "Will you marry me?" Bella: ".....O.O...." audience: aye..

HAAA?? echo~ echo~
Me: *dumfounded*