Long time no blog! Pharmacy is slowly sucking me dry, plus facebook equals deadly combo. So I decided to post some pictures of Jai's uber cute puppy and scorpions I held for the first time :)

It doesn't seem all that thrilled w/ me! Behave and playful pup!

Not edited! So cute yogurt w/ little sister! :) *pls click if you want to see just how cute it is w/ its green eyes ^_____^*

Sneaky sister tied a string to my pants. No wonder there was such a ruckus. Yogurt loves to play tug of war!

Now it has soft blue eyes. Ain't it a cutie!
Okay moving on to exotic pets..w/c are more on the not-so-cute side for some. But the scorpion which is still with me now grew on me. It's really cute. Too bad it's going to the buyer. But I doubt I'd own one cause they eat like crickets, roaches, and worms w/c is just plain gross, right? @_@ LIZARDS for when they grow bigger. No way am I going to catch lizards!!

This is an Asian Forest, w/c is a level 1 scorpi. It stings only when provoked and it just feels like an ant bite. Didn't experience being stung by it though, not that i want to o'course! o.O It's smart cause I kept opening its container so it'd hurriedly go out and so i'd let it walk on my palms, arm. But the next day when i opened the container..it shied away T.T so cute!

Like a mini lobster-ish creature. Pretty structure! 8D

An Emperor scorpi. The Asian Forest grows this big too :) Still growing! Amazing cause the ones w/ poisonous stingers don't grow very big, and the one that can't kill you grows this huge with big pincers. Never provoke them. You don't want them to use their clamps on you ><;;

These ones thrive in the dessert. Hmm I might use chopsticks to feed them worms. They look really cool!!

They don't call this death stalker for nothing. This is said to be the deadliest scorpion in the world. I can't call my friend foolish for keeping this in his room cause he's still alive. One sting and you might end up flat line in a jiff.
There's another one that can get pregnant on its own. And another one that its sting can make you get a fever. It comes in handy when you want to skip school, job, etc. really bad...kidding o.o

Will one day convince Hannah to touch them!

Look at the food..eeee. good thing it doesn't fly!! o.o I used to be fascinated w/ cockroaches. The maid says i wouldn't eat my food unless they put a cockroach on the table for me to stare at in amazement. Oh and I'm now remembering my short-lived pet Sally the cockroach back in grade 4 w/c someone stepped on. May she rest in pieces. x.x such an appropriate phrase.

It's like jam in bread. They're like one peso coin small.
Till my next little adventure in life. God bless you dear friends! *warm hugs*

fun expression! :))
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